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Are you facing a challenge and want fresh thinking to find new solutions?
Do you want to get past what seems to be blocking your team from making progress?
Are you interested in building a culture of quality thinking and collaboration?
Do you want an external facilitator to help you engage your team in a change initiative?
I offer facilitation in a Thinking Environment, using a practical approach which can unlock fresh and courageous thinking. This reliable methodology is founded on the observations that everything we do depends upon the quality of the thinking we do first, and that the quality of our thinking depends on the way we are being treated by the people around us while we are thinking.
I understand the challenges of leading and managing in a complex and uncertain environment and can work with you to design a discovery-driven workshop for quality thinking and engagement.
By creating a space in which people can think afresh and can question what might be limiting them, it can lead to breakthrough thinking and can help people work together with energy and enthusiasm.