You want to learn how to inspire and empower others.

You want to have courageous conversations.

You’d love time to think, away from the relentless rush.

If you want to learn a simple yet profoundly powerful way to work and to be, this Foundation Programme is for you.

Over two days, you will learn how to create a Thinking Environment® for others, and discover how to unlock fresh and breakthrough thinking in teams and in groups.


This programme is for you if …

  • you want time to think, where you can go to the unexplored edge of your thinking

  • you want to encourage fresh, creative and discovery-driven thinking in your team and organisation

  • you want to create an environment where people feel energised, enthusiastic and empowered 

  • you want to build a culture that is inclusive and values difference

  • you want to invest in your own professional and personal development and build your leadership skills 

In this Programme, you will learn about and experience what helps people do their best thinking. You will explore how creating certain conditions and applying an approach, in a real and practical way, can help people to enhance their interactions, discussion and decision-making. You will learn how to build psychological safety in teams and organisations, which leads to high-performance and productivity. More information is available in FAQs below.

What is the Thinking Environment®?

The Thinking Environment has been developed by Nancy Kline, founder of the leadership development company Time to Think Ltd. At its heart is the philosophy that the quality of everything we do depends on the thinking we do first, and that the quality of our thinking depends on how we are treated when we are thinking. 

In this two-day Programme, you will 

  • Learn how to create a Thinking Environment by exploring the Ten Components®  that lead to quality thinking 

  • Learn the Building Blocks of Thinking Pairs ® , Dialogue, Rounds, Open Discussion

  • Learn how you can apply this through the Applications of: Transforming Meetings®, Time to Think Council®, Presentations in a Thinking Environment and Building Incisive Questions®)

  • Have time to think with depth and clarity about issues or questions that matter to you, in your own context   

  • See a demonstration of a Thinking Partnership 1-1 Session and what this can unlock.

The most valuable gift we can offer each other is the framework in which to think for ourselves.
— Nancy Kline

Programme Details in Brief:  

The Programme is run over two successive days, in person.

The venue is the Radisson Blu St.Helens, Stillorgan, Dublin

It is a highly participative workshop, where you will learn about this radical approach, practice how to apply it in group settings, and also have time to think for yourself. 

Date: The next Programme will take place on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th March 2025.

The time each day is 9.30 to 4.30pm with breaks. 

The maximum number of participants is 6 

Your Investment: €1050

Sign up below or if you would like more information, email or Book a Discovery Call

Further Programmes are being planned for 2025. If you’d like to join the wait list, email

Foundation Programme
Sign Up Now

FAQs about the Foundation Course

  • To discover the quality thinking that the Ten Components can  produce,

    To learn practical techniques that will unlock fresh thinking,

    To learn a discovery-driven approach to communication,

    To explore an important expertise is for those leading and working in teams,

    To consider how to introduce this in your team or organisation.

  • The venue is the Radisson Blu St Helens, Stillorgan, Co Dublin, an elegant historic building, conveniently located on the N11, easily accessed from the M50 Motorway. We meet in the Webley Suite, a room that is free from distraction , overlooking the beautiful hotel grounds. Free parking is available in the hotel grounds

  • Each day runs from 9.30am to 4.30pm with a lunch break and short breaks in both morning and afternoon. Refreshments are included in the course fee. The format each day will be outlined at the start. This is a highly experiential and participative Programme, and is structured to cover a range of elements while allowing flexibility for the best learning experience for participants.

  • The course is for you if you lead or manage teams or groups, if you are involved in chairing meetings or facilitating groups, if you leadg or facilitate change initiatives or projects and want to build engagement, if you’re involved in leadership development or people management.

  • The Programme is accredited by Time to Think Ltd, and you will receive a completion certificate after attending both days. Completing this course is a prerequisite for those who want to progress and do the Time To Think  Facilitator Qualifying Course.

  • Sign up above or Book a Discovery Call with Mary if you would like more information